
Our Theory of Change


APRI Armenia’s theory of change consists of two components: our approach to research and our approach to strategic convening. In both areas we leverage our specific skills and assets as an institution in order to make rapid progress at a national scale.

Our research is aimed at producing concrete breakthroughs in critical fields — areas of work that are central to Armenia’s sovereignty and which have a major impact on its future trajectory. To do this, we diagnose the factors that are holding back progress in these critical fields. From there we undertake targeted research and engage networks of expertise that can overcome current barriers to unlock significant progress.

Our approach to strategic convening brings together experts from the global Armenian ecosystem and international voices with key insights on Armenia’s development. We bridge public sector, private sector, academic and civil society experts to address the challenges facing Armenia today. Our role is to connect the right partners with the right knowledge to maximize Armenia’s potential for stability and sustainable prosperity. In doing we create a network of partners around the world who collaborate and contribute to problem-solving\ on the ground.

APRI Armenia’s theory of change consists of two components: our approach to research and our approach to strategic convening.
Our research is aimed at producing concrete breakthroughs in critical fields — areas of work that are central to Armenia’s sovereignty and which have a major impact on its future trajectory.

Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia Foundation


2/2 Melik Adamyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia



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