Our Research Philosophy
We conduct research that is well-defined and mission-aligned, and has the potential to bring about concrete breakthroughs in critical fields and influence Armenia’s policy, thinking, and actions. Our aim is for the research to be nourished by stakeholder engagement and go beyond the elegant analysis of complex issues to provide constructive policy solutions. We remain targeted and focused in our efforts. In other words, our research is well-defined, addressing specific issues, and aligned with our mission.
We conduct research that is well-defined and mission-aligned, and has the potential to bring about concrete breakthroughs in critical fields and influence Armenia’s policy, thinking, and actions. Our aim is for the research to be nourished by stakeholder engagement and go beyond the elegant analysis of complex issues to provide constructive policy solutions. We remain targeted and focused in our efforts. In other words, our research is well-defined, addressing specific issues, and aligned with our mission.
With a sustained focus on nonpartisan and balanced engagement, our research seeks to contribute to policy considerations affecting the country, with the overall vision of supporting a safe and prosperous Armenia in a stable and prosperous region. To do so, we undertake rigorous analysis of security challenges affecting the country, while offering solutions and ideas to tackle them.
We seek to translate policy questions into research questions and research question answers into policy question answers. We identify targeted research questions aimed at bringing about concrete breakthroughs in critical fields in policy. We diagnose and address limited factors that are holding back progress in critical fields. From there, we undertake research and convening that will unlock significant progress, leveraging our specific skills and assets as an institution in order to do so.
In light of the complex geopolitics of the South Caucasus, shifting regional balance of power and growing tensions between external actors—which, combined, pose critical risks to Armenia—we have determined to focus on critical fields related to Armenia’s security, namely foreign policy and defense.
We currently host two thematic broad programs:
1) Geopolitics and Foreign policy
2) Regional Security Studies
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- Regional Security Studies
- Geopolitics and Foreign Policy

Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia Foundation
2/2 Melik Adamyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia